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Frame By Frame Viewing
Posted by Legotti
1/15/2012  1:11:00 PM
Hi there. I'm currently in two dance classes right now, and I'm struggling with Swing dancing. With other techniques, I've found youtube videos, downloaded them in a quicktime playable format, and clicked through frame by frame to help me learn. It's worked VERY well for me to be able to learn each step very slowly and meticulously with proper form. I just can't absorb all the small movements and nuance properly at the rate the videos play when I'm having trouble.

I realize that making downloading possible would be bad for the site, so I'm not suggesting it, but I think it would be IMMENSELY helpful if you could somehow modify your player to allow frame-by-frame viewing (Quicktime allows it with the left/right arrow keys), especially for your dance beginners who might not yet be used to coordinating their movements like that. They're very well-made videos.
Re: Frame By Frame Viewing
Posted by Administrator
1/15/2012  2:50:00 PM
Hi Legotti,

You can view the video in Quicktime by doing the following:

(1) Log in to your user account
(2) Click on the Custom Settings tab
(3) Under Video Settings, select Quicktime.
(4) Go back to the Learning Center and select a dance step to view. You may need to refresh the page for the settings to take effect.

Jonathan Atkinson

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